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Rokikearn is a technology company that offers juicy money-making opportunities to Nigerians by performing social media tasks. We aim to alleviate poverty by helping you make more money and increase your standard of living.

We have two ways in which you can make money online using Rokikearn. One of them is through performing simple tasks on the website, the other is through our Affiliate program.

  1. Kindly visit the registration page and fill in all the fills, and select the plan you wish to get started with.
  2.  Check ✅ the terms and conditions checkbox to show you have accepted our terms and conditions.
  3. Click REGISTER. And start your journey to creating wealth.
  4. After clicking on register, you will be redirected to a page where you will select a plan.

Once you register, your referral link will be on your Dashboard.

By playing a bonus game. Rokikearn  has a bonus game where you earn money as you reach some high scores.